A1 Integration Approval
This attachment documents the Integration Approval as referenced in the Component Lifecycle Process.
Organizations across industries are currently using thousands of OSS components, including in their products, with open source penetration in vertical software stacks reaching up to 85% of the overall software used1. Therefore, it is important to use the right OSS components in the right way.
The integration approval helps the development team2 to:
- Introduce minimal shared standard for component evaluation and its documentation.
- Increase visibility and homogeneity in the team's portfolio
- Increase traceability of technology decisions.
- Prevent wasted effort for unacceptable components by performing early checks.
The Integration Approval may include a check against an allow-list/deny-list or Open Source Usage policy.
In case of customer projects, the allow-list/deny-list might also be provided from customer side.
Required Information
The following information is collected in order to document the decision:
- Component: Name, version, release year, homepage and Openhub website of the corresponding component.
- License: To ensure the necessary legal right to use a component is in place, the required license information must be well documented:
- Exact name and version of the license that has been declared by the authors.
- Attached document with an original statement of the authors that the component is distributed under the given license (screenshot, PDF, email, etc.).
- URL where the license statement was found (if it is available online)
- If the license is not part of the declared license list, the license text itself must also be attached.
- Integration:
- The development product/project that wants to use the component.
- The development project/product responsible for the corresponding software project/product.
- Type of integration (required to ensure compatibility with the OSS license).
- The technical decision has to be documented (e.g. alternatives, used evaluation criteria, evaluation results, reasoning, results).
Administrative Process
It is suggested to document the approval process by using the existing approval workflow systems, but different parts of the organization can use an equivalent custom process instead.
The components used in a development project/product should be documented in a list of "expected Open Source components" in order to provide this list as reference to the A3 OSM Dependency Review (add link when document available).
Why Do Enterprises Use and Contribute to Open Source Software ↩
Development team may range from a single customer project team or product development team up to a complete department or product group. ↩