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Docker Compose

The easiest way to run the ORT Server for testing is to use Docker Compose. For a proper deployment to Kubernetes, the project will later provide a Helm chart.


Do not use the Docker Compose setup in production as it uses multiple insecure defaults, like providing Keycloak without TLS.

To use Docker Compose, you need to have Docker and Docker Compose installed. Also, you have to clone the ORT Server repository:

git clone

Run with Published Images

To start the ORT Server with the required third-party services, run:

docker compose up

This will use the ORT Server images published on GitHub. By default, the main tag is used. Those images are built from the main branch of the repository. To use a different tag, you can set the ORT_SERVER_IMAGE_TAG environment variable, for example:

ORT_SERVER_IMAGE_TAG=0.1.0-RC1 docker compose up

By default, the ORT Server API is exposed on port 8080. If this port is already in use, it can be changed using the ORT_SERVER_CORE_PORT environment variable:

ORT_SERVER_CORE_PORT=8090 docker compose up

When using a different port, please make sure that it is not used by another service.

Update the Images

Docker Compose will not automatically update the images for a specific tag like main once they have been pulled. To update the images to the latest version, run:

docker compose pull

Run with Local Images

First, ensure to have Docker BuildKit enabled by either using Docker version 23.0 or newer, running export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1, or configuring /etc/docker/daemon.json with:

"features": {
"buildkit": true

Then you can build the images with the following command:

./gradlew buildAllImages

This will build the images with the latest tag. Then you can start Docker Compose using the local images by setting the image prefix to an empty string and the tag to latest:


Build specific images

There are also Gradle tasks to only build specific images. For example, to build only the analyzer worker image, run:

./gradlew buildAnalyzerWorkerImage

To list all available tasks, run:

./gradlew tasks --group=docker

Access the Services

The following services are exposed by Docker Compose:

ORT Server APIhttp://localhost:8080/swagger-ui
ORT Server UIhttp://localhost:8082Same as Keycloak
Keycloakhttp://localhost:8081Administrator: admin:admin
User: ort-admin:password


HTTP request collections

When using IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, you can use the integrated HTTP client to execute requests against the ORT Server. The requests can be found in scripts/requests.


To debug the ORT Server in IntelliJ, you can use a composition with only some selected services:

docker compose up rabbitmq keycloak

Please note that postgres does not have to be explicitly passed: since it is a dependency of Keycloak, it will be started automatically.

Then execute the ORT Server in IntelliJ with the run configuration "Run ORT Server".


Flyway migration errors

When starting the ORT Server, you can run into the following error:

Exception in thread "main" org.flywaydb.core.api.exception.FlywayValidateException: Validate failed: Migrations have failed validation

This usually happens when you previously started the ORT Server with a different version of the database schema than the one you are currently using. To solve this issue, you need to investigate which migrations failed and then manually fix the database schema. During testing, this is often not worth the effort, so you can also clean the database and start from scratch. One way to clean the database is to shut down Docker Compose and delete all volumes:

docker compose down -v

Major version upgrades of PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL does not support reading the data directory of a previous major version. When upgrading the PostgreSQL version in the Docker Compose setup, the database data directory must be manually migrated by following these steps:

  1. Stop the Docker Compose setup:

    docker compose stop
  2. Start only the PostgreSQL service:

    docker compose up -d postgres
  3. Make backups of the ORT Server and Keycloak databases:

    docker compose exec postgres pg_dump -Fc -U postgres -d ort_server -n public > keycloak.dump
    docker compose exec postgres pg_dump -Fc -U postgres -d ort_server -n ort_server > ort-server.dump
  4. Stop Docker Compose and delete the volumes:

    docker compose down -v
  5. Update the PostgreSQL version in docker-compose.yml.

  6. Start the PostgreSQL service again:

    docker compose up -d postgres
  7. Import the database backups:

    cat keycloak.dump | docker compose exec -T postgres pg_restore -U postgres -d ort_server -n public
    cat ort-server.dump | docker compose exec -T postgres pg_restore -U postgres -d ort_server -n ort_server
  8. Start all services:

    docker compose up -d